
我们知道你可能对你的福利以及如何获得这些福利还有疑问, so we've provided answers to the most frequently asked questions we get about veterans benefits.


VA根据您的注册日期确定注册状态, 而不是以整个学期的注册时数来计算. Enrollment dates can vary based on the sessions you are enrolled in during the semester. 有关会议日期的信息可在 academic calendar.

Note: you must be enrolled over half time to receive eligible Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) benefits. 




Example 1: During the fall semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 6 hours during the regular 16-week session, 为期8周的第1阶段3小时,为期8周的第2阶段3小时. As an undergraduate, 退伍军人管理局不会认为她是全职的, 取而代之的是3 / 4的时间,9个小时的时间是重叠的. 

Example 2: During the spring semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 9 hours during the regular 16-week session, 在为期8周的课程中学习3个小时. As an undergraduate, 退伍军人管理局不会认为她是全职的 until the second 8-week session began. During the first 8 weeks of the regular 16-week session the VA would consider her in ¾ time at 9 hours. 

Example 3: During the summer semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 6 hours during the regular 8-week session. 作为一名本科生,退伍军人管理局会认为她在这8周内是全职的.

Example 4: During the summer semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 3 hours in the 4-week 1 session, 8周常规疗程3次. As an undergraduate, Kasey would be considered full time during the time her 4-week 1 session overlapped with the 8-week regular session, 但在为期四周的会议结束后就没有了. 


Example 1: During the fall semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 6 hours during the regular 16-week session, 在为期8周的课程中学习3个小时. As a graduate, the VA would consider her full time, time at 9 hours when the sessions overlap. 8周的课程结束后,凯西将在3 / 4的时间,6小时. 

Example 2: During the spring semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 3 hours during the regular 16-week session, 在为期8周的课程中学习3个小时, 在为期8周的课程中学习6个小时. As a graduate, 退伍军人管理局不会认为她是全职的 until the second 8-week session began. During the first 8 weeks of the regular 16-week session the VA would consider her in ¾ time at 6 hours. 

Example 3: During the summer semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 3 hours during the regular 8-week session. 作为一名毕业生,退伍军人事务部会考虑她在这8周中的3 / 4时间.

Example 4: During the summer semester Kasey Roo is enrolled in 3 hours in the 4-week 1 session, 8周常规疗程3次. As a graduate, Kasey would be considered full time during the time her 4-week 1 session overlapped with the 8-week regular session, 但在为期四周的治疗结束后,她只会被认为是3 / 4的时间. 

Questions about your enrollment status can be directed to the UMKC VA Certifying Official. 

Visit the 退伍军人事务网站 选择对你最有利的.

Veterans utilizing Ch. 30或1606必须每月核对考勤 WAVE.

  • Chapter 30:蒙哥马利GI法案/现役军队
  • Chapter 31:职业康复
  • Chapter 33: (Post 9/11) provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, 或者在30天后因工作致残而离职的人. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
  • Chapter 35:军人配偶及家属
  • Chapter 1606: Selected Reserves


为大学申请提供一般帮助, selecting a major, 了解你所获得的《世界杯赌场盘口》福利, see the 今天的退伍军人法案网站.

Registration and Records will certify your enrollment at UMKC but is not allowed to counsel students about which benefit is most beneficial.

一旦你在任何一所学校获得了2个学期的退伍军人法案福利, 你必须选一个专业,并攻读学位. Any majors with “pre” are not considered degree seeking majors and would not be eligible for certification after 2 semesters of benefits.

不及格的课程, or if the grade does not meet the minimum requirements for graduation in the degree program, 可以向退伍军人管理局证明吗. 你可以重复一门课程,并获得VA支付, if you received an F, 原始尝试的NR或W级.

The VA does not pay for repeats of D or better grades; or for incomplete grades, 除非不完整被改成F. EXCEPTION: If a class is required for a major and must be passed with a certain grade level to progress to another required class (prerequisite) then the VA will pay for the repeat. For example, 如果护理学要求生物学C+或更高, 如果没有拿到C+,那门课就可以重修.

如果课程重复, 并以《世界杯赌场盘口》取代原有成绩, the original grade becomes non-punitive and will no longer be considered degree applicable. 


登记的变化每周报告给退伍军人管理局. Any dropped class(es) could result in a debt owed to the VA depending on when the course is dropped for a term.  In light of this, there are several options to consider before dropping one or more of your classes.  

Please contact the School Certifying Official (SCO) to review the options available to you and their related impacts to your benefits for the term. 可通过电子邮件联系上海合作组织 umkc-vetbenefits@mokmingsky.com 或致电816-235-1121.  关于创建债务的问题, 您也可以拨打1-888-442-4551联系GI法案教育呼叫中心. 

学生可以在一个以上的学校学习与他或她的学位相关的课程. 授予学位的学校是学生的“家长”学校. 所有其他的学校都是“中学”. The 父院校信 需要与您的指导老师一起填写,并交还给UMKC认证官员. Please provide the contact information and fax number for the certifying official at the “secondary” school you are planning to attend.

For more information on the completing the 父院校信 please contact the School Certifying Official.

The VA pays in arrears which means they will pay at the beginning of each month for education pursued the previous month. For example, 八月开学的时候, the payment for that enrollment will not be sent until the very beginning of September. 

如果您有任何疑问或认为您的付款迟到, 请拨打1与VA教育呼叫中心联系.888.442.4551.


Students who are called to active military duty and their activation conflicts with the current academic semester dates will be refunded full educational fees if they completely withdraw from all courses. 如果你在某些课程中获得了奖励,而在其他课程中没有,那么你将获得调整后的退款.

Students must present a copy of their military orders to the VA Certifying Official in Registration and Records.

取决于学生激活的时间, the student is advised to consult with their faculty members in regards to academic issues and grading for completed work.

Veterans who are currently enrolled and called to active duty will not be required to fill out an admissions application (intent to re-enroll) for up to 18 months when returning to the campus.

关于军事成绩单的信息, 以及如何索取成绩单, 每个军种都有吗.

To order Military transcripts for service in the Army, Coast Guard, Marines or Navy go to: http://jst.doded.mil/jst/ (注意:推荐使用Firefox浏览器).

要访问此页,您必须接受所有高级安全选项. For assistance with this process, please contact the School Certifying Official via email umkc-vetbenefits@mokmingsky.com 或致电816-235-1121.

要订购在空军服役的成绩单,请访问: http://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF/

军事成绩单应该送到 密苏里大学堪萨斯分校世界杯赌场盘口办公室

如果你正在使用Champ VA的医疗保险, 或者您需要注册状态验证才能获得保险福利, 请将您的要求电邮至 umkc-vetbenefits@mokmingsky.com